"Combat Minigame" Shattered Worlds Goes Live In RuneScape

RuneScape received a new content update today that introduces a "combat minigame" called Shattered Worlds. In Shattered Worlds, players hack and slash their way through a multitude of enemies spread out across a set of " procedurally generated maps packed with a mash-up of RuneScape environments, enemies, and mutator effects."

In addition to reward currency, players will get "a rare chance at a pet," should they successfully complete their run through Shattered Worlds. The reward currency can be spent Sigils, Pets, Slayer Masks, two combat techniques called Bladed Dive and Salt the Wound, and more.

You can read more about the new combat minigame Shattered Worlds on the official website.

50 second introduction to Shattered Worlds - RuneScape