Conan Exiles Previews Building Stuff And Then Blowing It Up


Conan Exiles' third dev stream covered the basics of building structures and then blowing them to hell with plenty of explosive jars. The sandbox survival game is shaping up nicely ahead of its Early Access release.

Building should be familiar to anyone who's played any other survival game: snap your pieces into place. And if you mess up, you can easily dismantle the placed piece. Imagine ruining a structure because you misfired a click? Those were the early days of sandbox-survival.

The devs mentioned that players will be able to build in caves, but they're not sure if it will be available at launch. They want players to be able to explore cave systems. Makes sense. If I could, I would probably barricade a cave Day 1. Caves make for cozy shelters.

I was happy to see in-game voice demonstrated on stream. It's an absolute must in any survival game. Otherwise, how could I yell gibberish as I run towards someone while waving a spear in a friendly "hello" motion.

Conan Exiles will launch as an Early Access title on January 31, 2017.

Conan Exiles Stream #3: Building and blowing stuff up!