Conan Exiles Adds A New Siege-Based Overworld Dungeon In Age Of War: Chapter 3

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Conan Exiles will be ushering in the third chapter of its Age of War expansion this week, promising a new overworld dungeon with siege mechanics. Age of War: Chapter 3 will introduce the Siege of al-Merayah dungeon where players will be tasked with destroying a Stygian fortress that has risen atop the ancient ruins of al-Merayah.

If the name sounds familiar, it’s probably because it’s the same village found in the modern-day supernatural MMORPG The Secret World. This is apparently intentional and not a case of developer Funcom running out of creative juices.

“As you may know, a core theme in Robert E. Howard’s Conan stories is the rise and fall of civilizations,” Funcom explains. “We like to think that the al-Merayah in The Secret World is a future incarnation of the ruins in Conan Exiles. Pre-Chapter 3, it was ancient ruins, and soon, Stygia will have built it back into decadence. It is your job to topple it and hurl them back into barbarism, beginning the cycle anew.”

The dungeon itself will feature fully destructible structures with multiple paths to completion and will give PvE players the chance to “experience the joy of reducing structures to rubble” without the need to participate in PvP.

How you get over the walls to reach the commander of the Stygian army, Bakt-Nimlot, and defeat him is entirely up to you, whether it’s by using magic or by employing more traditional siege tactics.

“Foul sorcery has ever been the fear of those who place their trust in stone and mortar. Soar over the walls on the wings of bat demons or form bridges of ice to carry you over,” the studio said. “If you shun such corrupted practices, you can seek more earthly means to bring down the walls. Build trebuchets, detonate explosive jars, or, for the first time, wield a battering ram. These are all very efficient in bringing down structures, and have now found a use outside of PvP.”

Funcom notes that the Siege of al-Merayah is an endgame dungeon and is best tackled with friends and followers. The more fighters you have with you, the easier it will be to clear the dungeon and bring the Stygian Empire to its knees.

Age of War: Chapter 3 is set to arrive on PC as well as on PlayStation and Xbox consoles on December 12th. You can learn more about what's coming in the new chapter in the Q&A video below.

Conan Exiles - Age of War: Chapter 3 - Q&A