Conan Exiles Sells 320K Copies In First Week, Recoups All Costs


With daily 24-hour peaks of over 40,000 concurrent players, it's no secret that Conan Exiles has done very well, but it wasn't until today, when Funcom released an Investor Relations update about the game's first week on Steam Early Access, that we learned exactly how well it is doing. The official number of sales for the first week of Early Access is—drum roll, please—"more than 320,000 units."

That is an insane amount of copies. In fact, Conan Exiles has done so incredibly well that "all of the costs directly related to this game have been recouped and the project is now operationally profitable." Considering the state of Funcom prior to now, this is a very good sign for the company.

Furthermore, Funcom reaffirmed its commitment to development of the game over the course of Early Access in the following quote.

The development team will continue to work on Conan Exiles and provide the necessary technical support and additional content as part of the Early Access plan, ensuring that any technical flaws will be corrected and that players' wishes are fulfilled, in order to ensure a positive reception of the game before executing a full launch on PC.

Additionally, development of the Xbox One Game Preview version is on schedule and a PlayStation 4 version will begin development "later this year."

Going forward, Funcom has high hopes for Conan Exiles, stating the following.

The Company believes this to be a clear sign that the previously mentioned goal of entering the Top 10 of multiplayer open world survival games on Steam one year after launch will be achieved.

It remains to be seen whether this goal will, in fact, be achieved, but its meteoric rise into the top 10 games on Steam is certainly promising.

Conan Exiles - Early Access Launch Trailer