Corepunk Closed Beta Test Delayed To December Due To Technical Issues

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The first Corepunk beta test, which was initially scheduled for later this month, has been delayed due to technical issues that have yet to be resolved. Internally, the team is aiming to start testing in October but just to be sure they’ve decided to push it back to December so as not to disappoint fans with another delay.

In the meantime, the team plans to release several gameplay videos over the next few months as a way of sharing their progress, along with a pre-beta livestream and an updated website and forums.

We’re sorry for the delay but quality is a top concern and we’re just doing our best here,” said Artificial Core Co-Founder and Producer Eugene Kiver. “We’re just working to deliver [a] great MMO experience.”

This is the fourth time that Corepunk’s closed beta test has been delayed. The first CBT was scheduled for Q4 2020 but was pushed back to spring 2021 in December because of COVID-19 and the launch Cyberpunk 2077 and the World of Warcraft Shadowlands expansion. From spring it was moved to August, and now to December.

Fortunately, the community is taking the news quite well saying that they’d rather see the game delayed if it means that they’re going to get an amazing game.

You can check out the full announcement video below along with the first of the promised gameplay videos which shines the spotlight on Corepunk’s in-depth character customization system that touts nine million unique combinations.

Corepunk News #4: Yet Another Delay