Corepunk Announces December Alpha Test And Early Access Launch This Winter

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After multiple delays, Artificial Core has finally confirmed its plans to launch Corepunk into early access in the next few months. In preparation for the open-world fog-of-war MMORPG’s launch, the team previously ran two limited-scope playtest this fall and will be hosting a significantly larger one on December 16th.

The four-day test will allow a larger number of players to try out the most recent alpha build and will be completely NDA-free. “This will be the first time we openly show the game. For us, this is an important step towards the release and expanding our audience,” the Ukrainian studio said. “From a technical standpoint, we will be testing server scalability, which is also a key step in our roadmap towards the release.”

As for the early access launch, that’s planned for the tail end of winter. The launch will also mark the start of beta testing for the upcoming title.