Corepunk Alpha Testers Describe Combat As Being Too ‘Challenging And Punishing’

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Artificial Core held a brief alpha test for Corepunk over the weekend that revealed a few kinks in the top-down MMORPG’s gameplay. The 29-hour long affair mainly focused on testing low-level content and the two new zones that were added since the last playtest. Brief and limited as it may have been, the test still provided the team with valuable feedback on one of the constant sources of headaches for developers – game balance.

Testers described the upcoming game’s combat as “challenging and punishing” and not in a good way. Pain points cited on Discord include the large aggro radius of mobs, the lack of natural ways to regenerate health outside of campfires, and the chance of losing items on death.

The karma system for PvP encounters is also allegedly in need of a tune up as it currently didn’t penalize player-killers as much as it should.

“Character creation is great, environments look great, but the gameplay stinks right now,” one tester reported. “The world is too big for what’s actually in it. There are no markers on map to tell you where to go and the pace is veeery slow.”

While it looks like Artificial Core intentionally designed the PvE experience to be challenging, they may have overdid it by a fair bit. All in all, it looks like the team still has a lot of work ahead of them.

Corepunk Gameplay: PvE Combat