Corepunk Plans To Restart Alpha Test Today After Last Weekend’s Game-Breaking Bugs

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Corepunk kicked off its latest alpha test this past weekend to various bugs and stability issues that it was virtually unplayable. The good news is that developer Artificial Core resent all alpha invites and plans to restart the playtest today with 5,000 more testers in addition to the 10,000 that already received invites.

“We have found several critical bugs with the servers and game balance that significantly affected the gameplay experience,” Artificial Core said. “Given [the] downtime and the situation, we will send out 5,000 extra keys for the test. New keys will be sent to everyone, as OLD KEYS WILL NO LONGER WORK. Those whose game experience was ruined or who were supposed to receive an invitation but did not will be able to start again with everyone else

All progress will be reset and most of the critical issues should be fixed when the alpha servers reopen. Testers can also look forward to additional gameplay improvements and balance fixes, including updates to campfires and the addition of two new campfires in the starting zone.

The alpha test was supposed to restart yesterday morning but the team apparently ran into more problems which needed extra time to fix. Nothing is set in stone though and the playtest may be postponed longer if the need arises.

“[…] Given the current situation, we don’t want to make any promises or predictions,” they said. “We will do our best to resolve everything as soon as possible.”