Creative Director Discusses Backing Crowfall

Even though the Kickstarter funded Crowfall has well overshot its intended goal of $800,000, there are still numerous stretch goals that can be reached. Some players might not see the point in backing the game any more, seeing as the game is almost guaranteed to come out now, but it is still a topic of discussion on the forums. Creative Director J Todd Coleman decided to add his two cents to one of these threads recently.

He basically wrote a lengthy statement where he mentioned the general vision and the development process. Most importantly, he talked about how he could understand those who are not willing to back the project at the moment. He compared the experience to an adventure, but to those waiting he says "it just means that while we [the backers]  are on this adventure, you'll [the waiters]  be back at shore hoping that WE find the New World and come back to get you."

Some pretty convincing words, don't you think?

To read the full post, check the forum thread.

To learn more about the game, check the official site.