Crowfall Finishes at $1,766,204

Completely smashing it's original goal of $800,000, Crowfall has ended their Kickstarter campaign with $1,766,204. With over 2,000 backers and $250,000 on the last day alone, it is clear that this game was something that fans could definitely put their money into. As they were able to hit almost every goal, there is a lot for them to do now.

Now we get to work! We have a game to build. We refine the vision. We engage with you on the forums. We discuss our ideas (and mistakes) openly. We find the right solutions, together.

And we continue to seek out our kind. Crowfall isn't a game for everyone. But there are still players out there -- brave, lost, and arguably crazy -- who will share this vision. Who, like us, will HAVE to see it come to life. We need to find them, and bring them home.

We won't let you down. We're going to show the world a new kind of online experience.

Thank you for making CROWFALL a reality.

We'll see you in the game!

ArtCraft also released a short video as thanks to all the backers who helped them reach their goal. You can watch it below.

Crowfall - Funding Complete

Source: Kickstarter