Crowfall Reassures Progress to Backers

After the rapid amount of stretch goals hit within such a short period of time, it may be uncommon to have such a long pause in announcements from ArtCraft. However, the Crowfall staff made a post yesterday, reassuring fans that they have no in fact ran away with everyone's money.

The staff talked about planning future activities, outsourcing, and various development ideas. All these activities will make ArtCraft very busy, meaning that they will not be as active as followers are used to. As Gordon Walton stated, "so you can expect us to be somewhat quiet this week and early next week in terms of official communications (but we'll continue to be active on the forums and social media, of course.)"

After a hugely successful Kickstarter campaign, Crowfall is currently under development and will be out hopefully in the near future.

For more information, check the official forum post.