Embers Adrift Announces Another Free-To-Play Weekend For Its 1st Birthday

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Embers Adrift is celebrating its first birthday this month and will be running another free-to-play weekend event to mark the occasion and encourage new players to try the group-based MMORPG. Stormhaven Studios is also inviting inactive players to return to the game and active ones to spend more time in the game with a dungeon schedule spreadsheet created by Community Manger Elloa.

“Organizing ourselves more efficiently, being proactive and organizing events will help active players to spent a good time together and that may bring back some friends,” she said.

Stormhaven will also bringing back an improved version of last year’s Halloween event and promises more anniversary surprises this month. We’ll keep you in the loop on their respective release schedules as they’re announced.

26 september 2023 - NEW PATCH (Patch Notes, Community news, Discussions, Weekly Game)