Embers Adrift Teases Another Weekend Event And Free Trial Later This Month

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Stormhaven Studios has a series of weekend events lined up in Embers Adrift, the first of which took place roughly three weeks ago. The studio is now inviting players to another “crazy weekend packed with activities” from Friday, August 16 through Sunday, August 18. July’s Summer Celebration event was apparently a testing ground for this month’s event which community manager [...]

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Embers Adrift Adds New Dungeons, Raid Groups, And A New Beetle-Like Dungeon Mob

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After Embers Adrift’s big quality-of-life update last month, Stormhaven Studios has shifted its focus back to adding new content for the group-based MMORPG in the form of two new dungeons: Osric’s Rest and Dryfoot Fortress. Osric’s Rest is a solo dungeon designed for level 33-34 players, while Dryfoot Fortress is a group-based dungeon that’s divided into two sections with different [...]

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Embers Adrift’s New Proving Grounds Offers A Fun And Safe Way To Spill Each Other’s Blood

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Embers Adrift may be a team-focused game at its heart, but that doesn’t mean that players can’t spill each other’s blood for fun. The newly opened PvP Proving Grounds offers a safe and controlled environment to do just that, allowing players to engage in 1-on-1, party vs. party, and free-for-all battles with no consequences whatsoever. Players who enter the arena [...]

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Embers Adrift’s 2024 Development Roadmap Reveals Priority Features And Updates

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Over the past few months, Stormhaven Studios has turned Embers Adrift into a haven for solo players with the addition of solo dungeon loops spanning its entire range of levels, with more coming in the near future according to its 2024 development roadmap. The roadmap doesn’t offer exact dates or release windows, but categorizes new features and content improvements to [...]

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Embers Adrift Adds Low-Level Solo Content And Announces Unlimited Free Trial

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While Embers Adrift was primarily designed with group-play in mind, Stormhaven Studios also acknowledges that grouping up can often prove extremely daunting for new players. To that end, Stormhaven recently rolled out an update featuring new content for low-level players to take on without having to group up. That includes three new dungeons, a.k.a. Ember Veins, to ease players into [...]

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