Embers Adrift Teases Another Weekend Event And Free Trial Later This Month

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Stormhaven Studios has a series of weekend events lined up in Embers Adrift, the first of which took place roughly three weeks ago. The studio is now inviting players to another “crazy weekend packed with activities” from Friday, August 16 through Sunday, August 18.

July’s Summer Celebration event was apparently a testing ground for this month’s event which community manager Elloa promises to be much more fun than the last one. Elloa apparently handled the GM events herself last month and will be doing so again for the next one, although executive producer John Gust might also be lending a hand to allow for longer and more flexible event hours.

The team has yet to offer a detailed schedule of events and activities, but Gust hinted that the beetle-like Scarabax might be one of the monsters that players will have to contend with. It also looks like they’ll be opening the game to everyone again with a free trial much like last month’s event.