Embers Adrift Adds Low-Level Solo Content And Announces Unlimited Free Trial

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While Embers Adrift was primarily designed with group-play in mind, Stormhaven Studios also acknowledges that grouping up can often prove extremely daunting for new players.

To that end, Stormhaven recently rolled out an update featuring new content for low-level players to take on without having to group up. That includes three new dungeons, a.k.a. Ember Veins, to ease players into dungeon and boss mechanics in preparation for the more challenging group dungeons.

The team also updated the look of behavior-related status effects to better convey when an enemy or a player is stunned, dazed, confused, lulled, or enraged. They’re also meticulously working to categorize and label all quest rewards and rare drops as part of the new color tagging system.

The icing on the cake is that you’ll be able to try Embers Adrift for free for as long as they want when the permanent free trial goes live tomorrow, assuming that you haven’t already bought it. Free trial players, however, will be limited to a single character and won’t be able to use chat channels, trade with other players, and join guilds. Otherwise, you’ll have free reign of the game. You’ll have to buy-in eventually though as its still a group-based MMORPG and you’ll eventually need access to the restricted features.

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