Embers Adrift Adds New Solo Dungeon Loops And The Ability To Inspect Other Players

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Embers Adrift gives solo players more things to do in the primarily group-centric MMORPG with the addition of more dungeons designed specifically for lone wolves. Players now have access to five new Ember Vein solo loops spread across the game’s entire range of levels.

Two of the new Ember Veins can be found in Meadowlands, while the rest can be found in Dryfoot, Grimstone Canyon, and Redshore Ridge. Each one offers new solo sections and named monsters to take on and an updated list of uncommon loot drops to earn.

The latest game update also introduced the ability for players to inspect other players to find out what weapons they’re packing and what gear they have equipped. The AFK kick timer has also been increased alongside improvements to bag dragging mechanics and sun shadows. You can check out the full patch notes on the Embers Adrift official forums if you want to dive into the details.