EverQuest 2 Begins Beta Testing For New Varsoon Time-Locked Expansion Server

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EverQuest 2 will soon be getting a new time-locked expansion server in the form of Varsoon. But before that, it’s going to need to undergo beta testing to make sure that everything’s working as it should prior to its official launch on May 24th.

Varsoon will be available to All-Access subscribers and will have new content unlocked every 16 weeks with the exception of Desert of Flames. The 2010 expansion will only have 12 weeks until the next expansion comes out on the server. Adventure Packs and other content originally released in between expansions will be added 8 weeks after the related expansion goes live. Again, Desert of Flames content will be an exception which will come out just 6 weeks after the expansion drops.

As with most progression servers, Varsoon will also come with its own rulesets including the ability to trade items that would otherwise be flagged as non-tradable Heirloom items. Items stats will also be adjusted to fit the server progression speed and mount speeds will initially be capped and will increase with succeeding expansion releases.

Some content, such as guild halls, will come out alongside their respective expansions while content that’s considered “out of progression” won’t be available at all. All races will be available once the servers come online, except for the Channeler and Beastlord which will roll out when their associated expansions unlock.

You can learn more about Varsoon in the FAQ on the EverQuest 2 official site. You’ll also find a guide to get into the beta test here.