Gravity Hiring For New Ragnarok Online Mobile Game Code-Named Project S

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As popular as Ragnarok Online was when it launched nearly a decade ago, its sequel, Ragnarok Online 2, didn’t exactly make as big of a splash as the original game. The mobile spin-off Ragnarok M actually did better which is probably why developer Gravity Neocyon, Gravity Interactive’s mobile games arm, has decided to stick to mobile devices as the platform for the next Ragnarok game.

According to MMOCulture, the studio is now hiring for a new 3D mobile MMORPG based on the IP, code-named Project S. There’s currently very limited information about the game except that it’s being developed using Unity. We’ll keep you posted as soon as we hear more.

You can check out actual gameplay footage from the upcoming game below.

Ragnarok Project S_GM Diary_S6