Krafton Confirms PUBG TV Adaptation In The Works By Castlevania Showrunner

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TV and movie adaptations of popular video games seem to be all the rage nowadays. Netflix alone features several big-name adaptations including Dota: Dragon Blood, The Witcher, Resident Evil, and the Castlevania animated series.

According to PCGamer, a new video game adaptation is in the works from Castlevania showrunner Adi Shankar. Shankar and Krafton both confirmed that an animated version of widely-popular PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, a.k.a. PUBG, will be coming to the small screen.

“As a player, I've been crushing the competition in the Battlegrounds since PUBG released in 2017,” said Shankar. “I’m grateful to Krafton for the trust and confidence they’ve placed in me to execute my vision as a filmmaker and I’m excited to embark on this journey together. To me, this animated project represents another step in the evolution of mending the torched bridge between the games industry and Hollywood. I look forward to revealing to everybody what winning a chicken dinner looks like.”

PUBG, however, doesn’t seem like it will translate well into an animated series unlike The Witcher, Dota, or other video games with background lore and canon to guide the screenplay and script writers. Still, it’s interesting to see what Shankar will come up with and how he’ll interpret the game into an animated series or film. It’s also unclear whether Netflix or another streaming service will be hosting the upcoming show on their platform.