Last Oasis Reveals New Schematic-Based Progression System Coming In Season 5

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Donkey Crew continues to talk up its game-changing Season 5 in their latest weekly preview blog. This week, the team explains how they’ll be revamping the entire progression system to make advancement more of an individual activity rather than a group affair.

For Season 5, Donkey Crew will be removing the tablet/fragment system altogether and replacing it with schematics which can be obtained as loot from various mobs and points of interest.

“One of the biggest reasons we decided to completely remove fragments/tablets progression is the issue of such a core gameplay element of the game becoming very irrelevant, very quickly. After one player in a clan learned anything, everyone in that clan would have access to it. Both for PVP and trade aspects, it quickly removed value from fragments and tablets, and stopped that major part of game progression extremely early on, if it was a big clan, and rather quickly for an average sized group.”

Schematics will work much the same as they do in other survival games. Players will need schematics to craft new equipment, build different Walker types, upgrade Walker parts, and install various Walker Rigs. They’ll also be needed to build clan bases and factories that can produce ingots, cloth, and other vital materials.

“We’ll need to carefully balance what drops from where, what are the chances for it to drop, etc. This is something that we will work together with you, the players, during our public testing phase of the overhaul,” assured the devs. “A major focus for overall balance of schematics is to avoid excessive amounts of prayers directed at RNGesus.”

There’s still no word on when Season 5 and its new features and contents will arrive. In the meantime, you can check out the full dev blog on the Last Oasis Steam page to learn more about the new schematics-based progression system.