League Of Legends MMO Project Lead Says ‘You Won’t All Love Every Feature In It”

league of legends book concept art bannerIf there’s one thing that you can count on in life, it’s that you can’t please everybody. A life lesson that Greg Street, the project lead on the unannounced and yet unnamed League of Legends MMO, is sticking to when it comes to the game’s features and design.

“One thing I can say about ‘unannounced’ MMORPG is that you won’t all love every feature in it,” posted Street on his personal Twitter page. “We’re going to make some choices that you may not agree with. Players want different things in their games. That’s fine. Some of you (shudder) may not love the game at all. Also fine.”

That being said, the unannounced game will include several staple features that MMO players have come to expect. Street said that he didn’t want to go into specifics just yet but that players should know that he is a big fan of dungeons and raids.

“It will almost certainly have RPG systems like stats, gear, dungeons. We’re not ready yet to talk about how much it is or is not like other games out there,” he added. He also stressed that the game is still in its early stages of development and that they won’t have anything to show for a long time. And definitely nothing this year.

As always, we’ll keep an eye out for any information that comes our way. In the meantime, Riot Games is hiring a Principal Game Designer and Level Designer for the said MMO. The full job posting can be found on the Riot Games official site if any of you are interested.