Lord Of The Rings Online Teases New Birdwatching Hobby And A Surprise Announcement

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Something unexpected is coming to Lord of the Rings Online and Standing Stone Games will be spilling the beans later tonight during its weekly livestream. Honestly, I haven’t the faintest clue of what it could be, although there’s speculation that it might be a new legendary progression server now that Treebeard is nearing the final leg of its multi-year run.

The studio also promises to reveal more information about the big changes coming to Monster Play and LOTRO’s second and newest hobby: Birdwatching. Not to get ahead of the devs, but if it’s anything like fishing, players will soon be able to track down various bird species to earn rewards and crafting materials.

Standing Stone will also be reopening the Bullroarer server to start testing Update 41, the details of which will also be revealed during tonight’s dev stream.

Other content and features expected this summer include the return of the Midsummer Festival, a new profession, new Further Adventures quests, a makeover of Elf avatars, and another round of class updates. Stay tuned for the lowdown on what’s to come.