Mabinogi Makes Dungeon Runs Smoother And Easier To Complete In Its May Update

mabinogi cast of characters

Nexon continues to make improvements to Mabinogi, even as the anime-themed free-to-play MMORPG prepares to celebrate its 20th anniversary next month. In fact, the studio just released rolled out a sizable quality-of-life update that made life just a little bit easier for everyone, particularly for those who love to plumb dungeons.

Many of the game’s high-level dungeons now offer clearer instructions, rules, and indicators for their respective quests and missions. The skill sets and resists for mobs and bosses in the said dungeons have also been nerfed to lower their overall difficulty.

The developers also polished up several quests and updated the inventory system which now allows players to stack more items than ever before. They even added a basket that can stack up to 200 bundles of flowers which can be bought for 350,000 gold.

Other notable changes include the removal of stun immunity, damage caps, and certain spells for various monsters. You can dive into the details in the full patch notes here.