Mortal Online 2 Adds Four Extra Myrland Instances To Help Alleviate Queue Times

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As announced earlier this week, Mortal Online 2 developer Star Vault has added four new Myrland instances to help spread out the population on the original continent. Players will be able to go adventuring on any of these new continents but won’t be able to build on them, trade with other players or pet brokers, lead a guild, or use the in-game mail.

Except for the ability to place buildings, the team says that they plan to add these features sometime in the future. “We understand that many players will find this disappointing that they cannot use these features on the alternate instances, however we did not want to delay the patch any longer as our first priority is to allow everyone still stuck in the queue to play the game,” they explain.

There’s also a two-hour cooldown when switching to another instance to prevent players from cycling through instances to farm mobs or gather resources.

Note that these extra continents are a temporary fix to help shorten queue times while the team works to add the originally planned continents. The team acknowledges that they’re merely a quick fix and that they’ll continue to look for ways to increase capacity on the main server.

More information about how the Myrland instances work can be found on the Mortal Online 2 official site.