Mortal Online 2 Plans To Add Extra Myrland Continents To Help Spread Out The Population

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Players continue to flock to Mortal Online 2 in spite of the login problems and long queues that have continued to plague the game since launch day. Over the past few weeks, developer Star Vault has rolled out various fixes to help alleviate the problem. These include a new and more informative queue timer, longer connection timeout counters, and shorter in-game AFK timers.

While these measures have helped to make life just a little bit easier for players waiting in line to get in, the team has yet to address the issue of overpopulation in the game’s main continent. As a temporary fix, the team plans to add new instances of the Myrland continent, in spite of their vision to have one massive world. The new continents should help spread out the population while they work to increase population can and improve server stability.

“[. . .] We have decided that we need to do what’s necessary to make sure everyone can play directly. This means that we will add additional continents, just as planned for future continents like Sarducaa etc., but will be Myrland for now.”

Players will be able to travel freely between the extra Myrland continents the same way they can travel back and forth between Haven instances but will not be able to build on them. Construction will only be permitted on the main continent. The team promises to have the new continents up in a few days.

More information can be found on the Mortal Online 2 official site.