Mortal Online 2 Players Can Now Call Guards On Criminals And Set Passwords For Their Houses

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This week’s Mortal Online 2 update might not be big on content, but it does introduce several nifty features including the ability to call guards on criminals and a security system for houses so no unauthorized players can come barging in.

Players can now use the /guard command when targeting a criminal to call an NPC guard to come help. Guards will also come after players with the combatant debuff which is automatically applied when you attack another player. The team has also introduced a few other NPC commands such as /bank, /broken, /petbroker, and /vendor. These commands can be used when near appropriate NPCs.

Another new quality-of-life addition is the new password system for player houses. House owners can now set a password using the housing UI to control who gets to enter their home. Players who enter the correct password will be given access to the house until they move too far from the house, relog, or when the password changes. Note that leaving the password blank in the UI means that no one will be able to enter your house except you.

New password-protected “Access Chests” have also been added to the list of decoration chests. Only players who know the password will be able to place or take items from the chest.

Housing item limits have also been increased from 500 to 700 for Small Houses, 600 to 800 for Medium Houses, 1000 to 1200 for Strongholds, and 1200 to 1400 for Keeps. Additionally, players can now place more decorations per floor in Strongholds and Keeps.

The latest update also comes with a sizable list of changes and features, the details of which can be found in the full patch notes on the Mortal Online Steam page.