New World Will Not Be Getting A Mini-Map Soon, Mini-Map Mods Allowed

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Mini-map, or no mini-map, that is the question. A question that Amazon Game Studios is finally addressing following rumors that New World players are being banned for using third-party mini-map mods.

In a new dev blog on the official forums, Amazon said that they understand why players would want a mini-map and how having one would make other players who don’t want a mini-map feel that they’re at a disadvantage. They also maintained that they will not be adding a mini-map anytime soon.

“Right now creating a mini-map is not a high priority for us as we have other items we feel are more pressing. The high level reasoning is that we have concerns with it meshing with New World’s action combat style and world design, that it could break immersion, may limit the drive for exploration, and there are technical limitations. We feel the compass fulfills the needs, fits the setting, promotes exploration, and supports combat.”

That being said, the studio denied banning players and assured players that they will not be penalized for using third-party mini-map mods, provided that the mod complies with the following rules:

As a general rule, the mini-map follows exact rules of compass and cannot give players an advantage of any type over the compass. Information to be used for display, even within the limitations expressed below, must come from the Overwolf API, which we may add to over time but can’t commit to at the moment.

The mini-map can:

  • Show player position
  • Show folks in group as we do on compass
  • Only show node placement if they’ve unlocked that node via tradeskills, provided it is within the range that compass would display them.
  • Only show AI that you’ve unlocked via tradeskills as compass and within range of compass.
  • Show quests as they do on compass

“In the future, we may change our position on this and decide to add a mini-map or change our position on allowing Overwolf,” said Amazon. “If we were to change, we would give plenty of notice along with a designated grace period where would not ban players for continued use, but would take action after that grace period has ended.”

More information can be found on the New World official site.