Nightingale Plans Stress Test Ahead Of Its Early Access Launch In February

nightingale portal victorian gaslamp banner

With only three months to go until Nightingale’s early access launch, Inflexion Games wants to make sure that the servers are up to the task with an upcoming stress test set for the beginning of the year. According to the studio, the goal of the playtest is to “break the portal network” and rigorously test the servers’ capabilities to help them gather as much date and feedback as they can prior to the game’s launch.

Testers will reportedly be able to experience the first few hours of the Victorian Gaslamp-inspired survival crafting game. That and the start date are all that we have to go on for now, but Inflexion promises to reveal more information about the stress test soon.

In the meantime, you can sign-up for the stress test by clicking on the “Request Access” button on the Nightingale Steam page.

Nightingale is set to launch into Steam Early Access on February 22nd, assuming that it isn’t delayed again for some reason or other.