Overwatch 2’s Lifeweaver Glitch Allows Players To Slingshot Allies Across The Map

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Overwatch 2’s new support hero, Lifeweaver, has a unique ability called Life Grip that allows him to shield and pull a teammate towards him. The skill is particularly useful for moving an ally out of harm’s way when an encounter takes a turn for the worse.

A supposed glitch, however, makes it do the exact opposite when used in tandem with another hero’s movement skill, catapulting the target hero across the map at incredible speed. Winston, for example, can time the use of his Jump Pack skill during Life Grip to considerably increase his speed and jump distance.

While the glitch could prove to be useful for taking out long-range and support heroes, Life Grip’s long cooldown means that the slingshotted hero would be left vulnerable to ganks. It will also likely be difficult to coordinate the maneuver with a random player and will require a friend with voice comms to successfully pull off. Alternatively, the skill can also be used to troll teammates by pulling them into precarious positions or send them plummeting to their deaths in more vertical maps.

Blizzard has yet to comment on the matter and it has yet to be listed on the known issues thread but it’s highly unlikely that the slingshot effect was intentional. It’s also unlikely that Blizzard will leave the glitch in place considering its potential for abuse so enjoy it while it lasts.

We tested Lifeweaver's slingshot tech | Overwatch 2