Overwatch Makes $269 Million In Digital Sales In 5 Days


Digital game researcher SuperDataResearch posted their worldwide digital games market update for May 2016 and the big winner was Overwatch, raking in $269 million since its May 24 release date. The report only covered the month of May, so that number should be up substantially since as Blizzard Entertainment released a statement earlier this month stating that the game has over 10 million players, up from 7 million on June 2. The same report cited Battleborn's poor relative performance with the game earning "only" $18 million.


While Overwatch is raking in the big bucks, it looks like subscription based MMOs as a whole are taking a pretty big hit. Superdata reported that "Subscription-based gaming on PC took a big hit in May, dropping below $200 million in total monthly earnings". World of Warcraft's latest expansion, Legion, should give their subscription revenues a boost when it launches on August 30, 2016, but it doesn't look like subscription based MMOs are going to see any long term resurgence anytime soon.