Sony Interactive Entertainment Announces Plans To Lay Off 900 Employees Globally

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The unfortunate trend of layoffs in the video game and tech industries continues to claim more victims as we move further into 2024. Sony Interactive Entertainment has announced that it’s letting go of roughly 8% of its workforce which translates to around 900 employees across the globe to “future ready” the company.

CEO and president Jim Ryan announced the layoffs and explained the reasoning behind the “inevitable” decision in an internal email and blog post yesterday morning.

“We have made the extremely hard decision to announce our plan to commence a reduction of our overall headcount globally, subject to local law and consultation processes,” he wrote. “These are incredibly talented people who have been part of our success, and we are very grateful for their contributions.”

“However, the industry has changed immensely, and we need to future ready ourselves to set the business up for what lies ahead,” he continued. “We need to deliver on expectations from developers and gamers and continue to propel future technology in gaming, so we took a step back to ensure we are set up to continue bringing the best gaming experiences to the community.”

The layoffs will mostly affect PlayStation Studios’ London office which will be closed down entirely. Horizon Call of the Mountain developer Firesprite and studios in Japan and other countries will also see staff reductions.

By PCGamer’s count, there have now been over 16,000 layoffs since the start of January 2023 with no signs that its letting off anytime soon.