Star Wars: The Old Republic Merging Servers, 17 Servers Becoming 5

star wars the old republic light side

EA / Bioware announced today that Star Wars: The Old Republic will be merging its 17 servers down to 5 on November 8th, 2017 with the "United Forces" update.

The United Forces update expands your connection to a galactic-sized community of players. We will be integrating our existing seventeen servers to five new servers, one for each existing region and language. Our goal is to make this experience as simple and rewarding as possible.

Given that many of the game's servers were simply empty this move makes a lot of sense. Instead of having 17 servers the game will have 1 for each existing region and language. Star Wars: The Old Republic is by no means a dead game (although it is well off its peak). It still gets updated regularly and it's always had active servers. The problem was it also had a bunch of empty ones.

To learn more about the upcoming server mergers, check out the official blog post on it.