Trion Reveals ArcheAge Unchained, a Buy to Play Server

Trion revealed ArcheAge Unchained today, a brand new server for ArcheAge with a buy to play business model. The new server is set to launch later this Fall. According to Trion, the biggest difference between the buy to play and free to play version will be in monetization:

In ArcheAge: Unchained there is no longer a subscription model. With a onetime purchase, you can enjoy the content as often as you want. You will be able to purchase vanity items via Credits and we will implement seasonal ArchePasses. We are focusing on fairer gameplay which is why we decided to change a few monetization features for ArcheAge: Unchained. There’ll be more information in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned!

The buy to play and free to play version of ArcheAge will co-exist concurrently, but players will not be able to transfer characters between the two. Players will need to create a new character to play on the new Unchained buy to play server.

The biggest drive to create ArcheAge Unchained comes from player feedback, as players have long complained that the free to play server's subscription option provided paying players an unfair advantage. On the new ArcheAge Unchained server, everyone will have the same amount of labor regeneration and a cap of 5,000 labor points. Housing is also open to anyone.

Further reading: Official website