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Deadwalk: The Last War

Deadwalk: The Last War is a city-building strategy MMO with RPG elements set in a modern landscape wiped out by a zombie infestation. Construct and fortify your headquarters against zombie and enemy player invasion, spending your downtime out in the field searching for supplies and killing zombies with a team of soldiers lead by a Champion out of world history.

Publisher: Fun Plus
Type: Mobile Strategy MMO
Release Date: June 9, 2015
Shut Down: 2017
Pros: +Great zombie-themed artwork. +Tactical, real time combat.
Cons: -Repetitive gameplay. -Pay to win elements. -Difficulty increases greatly increases after newbie shield breaks.

Deadwalk: The Last War Shut Down in 2017


Deadwalk: The Last War Overview

Deadwalk: The Last War is a city-building MMO set in a post-apocalyptic world where zombies rule, your primary defense against them being your headquarters and your cloning technology that allows you to resurrect heroes of old, such as Odin and Hades, which can lead your troops into battle against the walking dead. The game features tactical combat that prioritizes troop placement, using the game’s different unit types (heavy, medium, light, etc.) to counter enemy zombies appropriately to reduce the amount of lives lost, which are boosted by the Champions cloned from your cloning lab. Equip your Champions with skills, leadership points and talent points, buffing your troops for the ultimate anti-zombie army.

Deadwalk: The Last War Key Features:

  • Build a fortress – Rebuild humanity by upgrading your headquarters, generating resources to expand your population and wipe out the remaining zombies in the world.
  • Fight zombies in tactical battles – Position your troops strategically to counter the enemy and wipe them out.
  • Collect over 100 champions – Clone epic heroes such as Zeus, Hades and Odin from the past to lead your troops into battle against the zombie horde, customizing them with talent points and skills.
  • Built-in chat translation – Join Leagues and talk to players all over the world by breaking the language barrier with the game’s real-time translator.
  • Multiplayer options – Scout and occupy other players’ headquarters, and add a portion of their resources to your own to expand your wealth and reach in the world, or join a League and help others expand with League-only events and reinforcements.

Deadwalk: The Last War Screenshots

Deadwalk: The Last War Featured Video

Deadwalk: The Last War - Official Gameplay Trailer

Full Review

Deadwalk: The Last War Review

Coming Soon!


Deadwalk: The Last War Screenshots

System Requirements

Deadwalk: The Last War Requirements

Minimum Requirements:

Operating System: Android 2.3 or later, iOS 5.1.1 or later

Additional Info

Deadwalk: The Last War Additional Information

Developer: Chan Gaming

Release Date: June 9, 2015
Platforms: Android

Shut Down: 2017

Deadwalk: The Last War is developed by Chan Gaming and Published by Fun Plus, both Chinese game companies, and was originally called The Last War (released in 2014), its new title serving as a re-released, new iteration on the game and its mechanics released on June 9, 2015. The game is localized into 12 languages, and features a real-time translator that allows you to communicate worldwide with players that speak other languages. As a strategy game, Deadwalk is similar to games like Tribal Wars 2, DomiNations, and Imperia Online.