Counter Strike GO: Operation Bloodhound Gameplay by Shurelya

Counter-Strike: GO Operation Bloodhound video with commentary from Shurelya. Counter-Strike: GO is a 3D tactical shooter developed and published by Valve. Operation bloodhound is a community map pack for the game which introduces the following maps: Agency, Resort, Zoo, Log, Rails and Season. Operation Bloodhound also introduces 2 new mission types: Assassination and Guardian Co-op. CS:GO remains one of the most popular games on [...]

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Strife Gameplay Duo Commentary

Strife Gameplay video with commentary from Omer & Erhan. Strife is a 3D cartoony MOBA developed and published by S2 games. In the video above, we play a full round of Strife and commentate as we go. Unfortunately, the game quickly becomes 4v5 and we end up playing at a pretty large disadvantage. It's still a fun round, despite us falling [...]

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Perfect World - Best Character Customization in any MMORPG

Perfect World Character Creation Gameplay video with commentary from Omer. Perfect World is a 3D fantasy MMORPG developed and published by Arc Games. In the video above, I look at the amazingly in-depth character customization in Perfect World. Players have so much control over every aspect of their character's face and some ridiculous body options. The boob slider in the game is... [...]

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Age of Conan Gameplay - Gumble's Grumbles

Age of Conan

Age of Conan Gameplay video with commentary from Sean (Gumble). Age of Conan is a 3D fantasy themed MMORPG developed and published by Funcom. Age of Conan originally launched as a pay to play subscription MMORPG, but went free to play as Age of Conan: Unchained. In the video above, I run around and commentate some of the early gameplay while poking fun [...]

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Trove Gameplay First Look by Shurelya

Trove Gameplay first look video with commentary from Shurelya. Trove is a sandbox MMORPG with unique voxel graphics by Trion Worlds. In the video above, I launch the game for the first time and run around the beginner areas. Visually, the game was inspired by Minecraft, but unlike Minecraft, Trove features more traditional MMORPG gameplay, but with a unique emphasis [...]

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Dota 2 Gameplay - Omer Plays

Dota 2 Gameplay Video with Commentary from Omer Dota 2 is a 3D MOBA developed and published by Valve. In the video above, I play as Pudge in a solo game. Similar to League, where I'm a Singed only player, I'm a Pudge only player in Dota 2. Yeah yeah, I know it's cheesy, but I have solo MMR of [...]

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