Celtic Heroes Launches Arcane Sanctum Update

Celtic Heroes has launched a new expansion just in time for Halloween. The Halloween update and the new expansion—Arcane Sanctum—went live simultaneously today. As the seasonal festivities hit Samhain, a new threat becomes available for high-leveled players. The Arcane Sanctum is a new level added to Gelebron's Tower. Players must make it through the Forbidden Halls before venturing into this [...]

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Celtic Heroes' Summer Event, Beltane, Begins

One Thumb Mobile have launched Celtic Heroes' Summer event, Beltane, alongside a massive seasonal update. This update features new content in which players must aid the Sages of Brath to help defeat the Morcas, War, Pestilence, Famine, and Death, and defend Dal Riata. The new content is available to players at any level and supposedly features "remarkable rewards." New mounts [...]

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Celtic Heroes


Celtic Heroes is a mobile 3D MMORPG where players pick one of five classes to play: Druid, Mage, Ranger, Rogue or Warrior, to take on the dark forces that threaten the realm of Dal Riata. The game features an impressive 3D engine, with all of the features normally found in a PC MMORPG, but with the added bonus of being portable. Publisher: One [...]

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