Cliff Bleszinski Talks About Live Service Challenges Amid Palworld And Helldivers 2 Success

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Given the meteoric success of several newly released live service games, some developers will probably be tempted to take a stab at a live service title of their own. Cliff Bleszinski, however, offers a word of caution, saying that it’s an extremely daunting task with no assurance of success and that the likes of Palworld and Helldivers 2 are exceptions. [...]

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Helldivers 2 Server Issues Aggravated By Reward Boosting Event And AFK Players

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Popularity is a double-edged sword in the MMO world, especially when an unexpected horde of players suddenly comes knocking on your door. In the case of Helldivers 2, its congestion issues were further compounded when it kicked off a reward boosting event last weekend as compensation for an earlier reward bug. The FOMO-inducing event saw even more players dive into [...]

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Helldivers 2 Takes The Crown As PlayStation’s Biggest PC Release And Steam’s Best-Selling Game

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Honestly, I wouldn’t have given Helldivers 2 a second glance if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s now PlayStation’s biggest PC launch of all time. The Starship Troopers-inspired co-op shooter recorded an all-time peak concurrency of 155,926 players on Saturday night, decimating God of War’s standing record of 73,529 players. Helldivers 2 slipped past God of War on Friday [...]

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