One Hundred New Xbox One Servers Planned For ARK: Survival Evolved


1 million downloads in less than a week may be great news for Studio Wildcard, ARK: Survival Evolved’s developers, but is definitely bad news for Ark's servers which have been struggling to handle the plethora of Xbox One “Survivors” that have lived-out more than 200,000 real-life days since the game’s early access release in December 2015. Almost all of the game’s servers under strain which is why the Ark team is working on setting up more than one hundred new servers to handle the unexpected load.

The servers have also updated Xbox One servers to v730.1, while the PC version has just been updated to v232 from v231.9. The console update also added a giant prehistoric kangaroo, dino balancing, and a host of other improvements.

The game will be available on the PlayStation 4 later this year.