Abyssal Slayer Creatures Have Made Their Way To RuneScape In The Latest Update

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RuneScape players now have new monstrosities to contend with as Abyssal Slayer Creatures officially make their way to Senntisten in the game’s latest update. As we previously reported, these ghastly creatures come in three types that will require players to be at certain Slayer levels before they can take them on, specifically Level 95 for the Abyssal Savage, Level 105 for the Abysall Beast, and Level 115 for the Abyssal Lord.

The good thing is that you won’t be taking them on for naught, as these new demonic threats come with a whole new set of gear for you to earn. These include the Jaws of the Abyss helm, the Abyssal Armour Spikes, and the Abyssal Scourge weapon which is an updated version of the iconic Abyssal Whip which was released 17 years ago.

You can catch a quick preview of each Abyssal Creature type in the official trailer below. You can also head over to the RuneScape official site for more info.

Abyssal Slayer Creatures - Official Trailer