Academy Blog Post Details Lost Ark's Reaper Class Which Launches on November 16th,

Amazon Games revealed some additional details about the advanced Reaper class which launches on November 16th. Similar to other advanced classes, the Reaper has 2 class engravings that allow specialization into either Chaos Mode (Hunger Class Engraving) or Persona Mode (Lunar Voice). The Reaper’s skill categories consist of Dagger, Shadow, and Swoop skills. Dagger and Shadow skills charge up Persona and Chaos Modes, and Swoop skills are amplified by Persona Mode.

To celebrate the arrival of the Reaper, Lost Ark is also 2 progression events: a Punika Powerpass and a Hyper Express Event that helps accelerate a character from Item Level 1302 to 1445.

Lost Ark despite some launch woes and criticism still boasts a massive playerbase averaging 172,000 players online online at any given time on Steam.

Further Reading: Official Blog Post