Anarchy Online Opens A New Region Called The Reck


Funcom appears to be trying to usher in a new era of Anarchy Online. There's the new rendering engine. There's a new website. And now there's the new Rubi-Ka region, The Reck.

The Reck is part of a content update that went live yesterday. You can enter the region through Tir and Omni-1 Trade The primary purpose of the zone is to provide players with "camps and encounters" that help them level level their characters through "title levels 4 and 5." The region will be accessible to anyone, but dailies will be restricted to characters in the level 90-170 range. Encounters in this region are built for players in the level 90-220 range. Many of the camps will require players to explore to find them.

Anarchy Online's Valentine's Day content was also made live with the update. From now until February 23rd, several quests requiring you to help the citizens of Rubi-Ka with their love lives are available. Additionally, players can earn free Valentine's Day items from the cash shop by logging in each day. Subscribers can earn an extra "Nophex 3D Printer: Love Edition."