Atlas Reactor To Get New Freelancer Named Juno On September 30th


Trion Worlds announced Friday that Atlas Reactor will be getting a new Freelancer named "Juno" on September 30th. Juno is a primarily DPS-focused Freelancer that has abilities that allow her to sweep over a large area with lasers, tether enemies, and more.

Juno's full set of abilities—some of which can be seen in action in the videos embedded below—is as follows.

  • Laser Barrage
    • Sweep each laser cannon along their own areas. Crossing them deals even more damage.
  • Lockdown
    • Tether an enemy and punish them for moving too far.
  • Off Limits
    • Smash your laser cannons down creating a shock wave that knocks enemies back.
  • Riot Shield
    • Activate a free action shield that takes the edge off enemy attacks.
  • Lay Down The Law
    • Anchor yourself down and fire off a continuous laser beam that also deals damage if passed through. On following turns, use more energy to sweep it across the battlefield.

You can find more information about Juno on the official website.