Turn-Based Tactical MMORPG Broken Ranks Celebrates Its 1st Birthday

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Time sure passes by and it’s hard to believe that Broken Ranks is now celebrating its 1st birthday. To mark the occasion, Whitemoon Games has published an infographic with some of the major milestones and achievements that the turn-based tactical MMORPG notched onto its belt over the past year.

According to the infographic, players have collectively logged a total of 12.4 million hours of playtime, during which they earned 15.4 billion in in-game gold, defeated over 7.6 million bosses, and died 6.3 million times. The Free Spirits faction also ranked as the most chosen faction with 36.6% of players unsurprisingly flocking to the combat-driven faction, followed by the Unionists at 32.8% and the Rogues at 30.6%.

broken ranks tactical mmorpg 1st anniversary infographic

Don’t worry, Whitemoon has more than an infographic planned for the game’s birthday. Players will also be able to take on the Khold Birthday quest and claim a birthday gift. “[…] Every active player (meaning a player who has logged in during the last 30 days) will receive 7 days of free premium account. If you already have premium account, it’ll be extended by 7 days. Those who haven’t logged in during the last 30 days will get a link to activate their bonus in the next mailing. Additional premium account time will be added on the 25th of January,” announced Whitemoon.