Burst Breaker Breaks His Way Into Kritika: The White Knights


GAMEVIL announced today that a new character named Burst Breaker has been added to Kritika: The White Knights. The game's ninth character is known to be reckless, but his sword and power glove make up for that fact by dealing heavy damage.

The description of Burst Breaker and his skills is as follows.

The Burst Breaker is a rebellious warrior who has his own definition of what a ‘Hero’ should be. Due to his energetic and wild personality, he has been known to recklessly jump into battle. Armed with a sword and power gauntlet, the Burst Breaker deals heavy physical attacks to enemies.

Burst Breaker’s Skills:

  • Gory: Attack the enemy three times using a giant sword and gauntlet.
  • Fury Fist: Perform a flurry of attacks stunning enemies for a short time.
  • Heatwave Hook: Slash the target multiple times and finish them off with a devastating uppercut.
  • Meteor Rain: Jump into the air and slam down dealing damage and stunning enemies caught within the blast.
  • Volcano: Collect energy into your gauntlet and release a large flame pillar that inflicts massive damage to all enemies.

With the launch of Burst Breaker, Crimson Assassin is being rebalanced slightly. Her Shuriken Backlash and Deadly Assassin skills will be changed from physical to magical attacks. Her Lumber Blast and Shadow Assault skills will now be "physical-damage abilities." Her Meditation skill will be altered to increase the buff to critical strike damage and critical strike rate she receives from it.