The Cleansing Gives The Tactical Strategy Genre A Touch Of Post-Apocalypse


We've seen a number of competitive real-time tactical strategy games in recent times—Avalon Lords, Total War ARENA...Deadhold's been "coming soon" for ages now. So far, they've all managed to set themselves apart, occupying the same genre, but doing so in a different manner.

The Cleansing, a new competitive real-time tactical strategy game that was recently posted to Greenlight, seems to provide quite a different experience than those before it. Set in what is described as "a feudal post apocalyptic environment," The Cleansing asks you to choose a "feudal house" that you will support, create a party of five characters, and either play through the single-player campaign or go to battle with other players in 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 matches. Much like traditional RTS games, the goal of each match is to take control of the map's resources and use them to buy the units and upgrades necessary to destroy the opposing team's base.

Each character is one of five classes—Brainer, Highborn, Nomad, Ranger, or Recruit—and each class has "two different specialization paths." Much like an RPG, each hero's skills and stats can be customized as they gain experience.

The full release of The Cleansing is a ways away, but those interested can find Closed Alpha sign-up instructions here. The Closed Alpha currently features upwards of 3v3 matches, matchmaking, and "a ladder league."

The Cleansing - Steam Greenlight game trailer