The Cleansing Enters Closed Alpha

Earlier this year, we reported on a new post-apocalyptic tactical strategy game called The Cleansing. The game, which had just been posted to Greenlight at the time, would see players choose a "feudal house," form a five-character party, and head out into either single-player or multiplayer battles, the latter offering 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 matches. Each match would see players stockpile resources, buy and upgrade units, and ultimately destroy their opponents' bases.

Developer Grindstone Interactive announced last week that the game has entered Closed Alpha testing. The initial Closed Alpha version only supports custom versus matches without AI, but matchmaking and a ladder will be "up and running soon."

As The Cleansing was greenlit earlier this year, the Closed Alpha is taking place on Steam. Those who would like to take part can apply by sending an email to alpha -at- grindstone -dot- se.

The Cleansing - Steam Greenlight game trailer