Conan Exiles Celebrates 3rd Anniversary, Thanks Community With A Video From The Team

conan exiles 3rd anniversary artwork bannerMultiplayer survival sandbox MMORPG Conan Exiles is celebrating its third year of full release and Funcom is thanking the community for their support in a new blog post:

“The past few years have been an incredible journey – from our humble roots in Early Access, to our official launch in 2018, and now navigating these challenging times as we all wonder just what’s around the corner at every turn. But Crom made us strong, and you’ve made us stronger still,” wrote the team.

“We know it’s been a little bumpy at times, and to that we offer our deepest appreciation for your support, your passion, and your patience over the years,” they continued. “We wouldn’t be here without YOU: The modders, the builders, the artists, the slayers, the roleplayers, the adventurers; the community. You, Exiles, are who we are truly grateful for. Thank you!!”

The team also put together a thank you video to celebrate the occasion. You’ll find that right down below.

Thank you, Exiles! 3-Year Anniversary