Corepunk Development Behind Schedule, December Closed Beta Delayed To Next Year

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It’s been a while since we last heard from Artificial Core and their upcoming top-down MMORPG Corepunk. After a month of silence, the studio is back with their latest progress report along with the unfortunate news that development is behind schedule.

Back in August, Artificial Core announced that closed beta testing has been delayed to December due to technical issues. As you might have guessed, that’s not going to happen as the devs continue to work on polishing the current alpha build before moving to beta. The team says that the core gameplay systems are already in place but they want to make sure that everything is running without a hitch and will be running infrastructure tests throughout the month of December.

“You’re probably disappointed to wait a few more months, and that’s reasonable, but we think that’s the only right way to go for the quality of the game, for our community, and our team. Artificial Core is not a studio with excessive resources. Every month of delay is hard on us too, to our morale and also from a business perspective. But we believe in what we do and our vision and purpose.”

Players can expect an update on how the network tests will go in the next few weeks or so and a tentative schedule for beta testing sometime in mid to late spring. In the meantime, you can check out the latest progress report below.

Corepunk News #5: Progress Update