Corepunk Says It’s Not Meant To Be A Hardcore Game But Players Should Be More Prepared

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Last weekend’s Corepunk alpha test revealed several glaring issues related to the top-down MMORPG’s gameplay, one of which was that the game was too challenging and punishing. While it initially seemed like that was developer Artificial Core’s intention all along, it apparently wasn’t.

“We never intended to create a hardcore game,” the Ukrainian studio said. “The goal was to make a game with different gameplay possibilities and although this sounds standard, we have indeed implemented and continue to implement many mechanics that support this direction. In Corepunk, it is not necessary to rush to the top, you can stay and enjoy a calm, relaxed pace of the game.”

Artificial Core acknowledged “unforeseen bottlenecks” in progression as well as the lack of passive health and mana regeneration in the game. The studio, however, says that the lack of passive regeneration outside of campfires is intentional and that players should make sure that they’re equipped with the appropriate gear and toolkits when they venture out of the safe zones.

Meanwhile, the developers continue to work on fixing other issues that popped up during the brief weekend test in preparation for the next alpha test on December 2nd.