Corepunk Ends Second Alpha Test Prematurely Due To Persistent Disconnection Issues

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Artificial Core just can’t catch a break as it cuts Corepunk’s second alpha test short after delaying and resetting it several times since last weekend. According to the studio, the persistent disconnection issues during the playtest have made the game unplayable, forcing them to end it three days earlier than scheduled while still counting it as a success.

“We turned off the servers because the number of disconnects was causing too much discomfort, making the gaming experience less enjoyable than we would like,” the studio said. “The previous test with 2,000 people was more stable, but with 15,000 people, bugs started to appear. This is what we wanted to see, to test the infrastructure and address any problems identified. Now we need to fix disconnects, shard issues, lags and other things to test game flow without distractions.”

Artificial Core is planning more playtests for the long-delayed top-down fog-of-war MMORPG and will be confirming a timeline for the next alpha test this week. The next alpha build will not only address the ongoing issues and bugs that appeared during last week’s playtest but also promises better optimization and gameplay balance.

“[…] Thank you for participating in the game’s testing, it helps a lot on our path to a really good game,” the studio said. “We were impressed that a large number of players really liked the game despite the technical issues. The game has a huge audience, much larger than we anticipated.”